The coach is short movie, classified as first moving drama , that features old African custom of worshiping tradition , offering and sacrifice festival in African community .
Case study Uganda /Buganda region , where the custom is been fused with modern day changes of human sacrifice for rituals insteady of Animal and grains that were oriniginal offered to our god in the region .
Human sacrifice for ritual has been Uganda's slient crime for about 10 years now ever since the local media started broadcasting and publishing issues related to the behaviour , and most of victimised group in this crime , are children , that are usually hijacked from play grounds . schools and some times home by the traffickers ,who then sell them to believer .
However , recently , the Jubilee christian campaign a human right intiative based in the Uk realesed a report about the crime , the report indicated 900 child being victimised by the crime in the region , 83 established cases but unfortunately only "one case" being excutated by the court of uganda since 2006 to date . the report also indicates police inability to provide enough evidence that can be used to incriminate suspects is one fundemental reason to delay case presecution. its also believed that, most of the believer are rich and well identified personality in the community .
There for , there is posibilty that , these rich people use their influence to shut down victimised parents like how the BBC indicates in its undercover report about child sacrifice for ritual in uganda . how ever there has been an effort by the ugandan community , the media , various NGOs, individual chid activists , the uganda police body with its established national task force against child sacrifice but the crime still exsist in the region .
Case study Uganda /Buganda region , where the custom is been fused with modern day changes of human sacrifice for rituals insteady of Animal and grains that were oriniginal offered to our god in the region .
Human sacrifice for ritual has been Uganda's slient crime for about 10 years now ever since the local media started broadcasting and publishing issues related to the behaviour , and most of victimised group in this crime , are children , that are usually hijacked from play grounds . schools and some times home by the traffickers ,who then sell them to believer .
However , recently , the Jubilee christian campaign a human right intiative based in the Uk realesed a report about the crime , the report indicated 900 child being victimised by the crime in the region , 83 established cases but unfortunately only "one case" being excutated by the court of uganda since 2006 to date . the report also indicates police inability to provide enough evidence that can be used to incriminate suspects is one fundemental reason to delay case presecution. its also believed that, most of the believer are rich and well identified personality in the community .
There for , there is posibilty that , these rich people use their influence to shut down victimised parents like how the BBC indicates in its undercover report about child sacrifice for ritual in uganda . how ever there has been an effort by the ugandan community , the media , various NGOs, individual chid activists , the uganda police body with its established national task force against child sacrifice but the crime still exsist in the region .